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eLearning banner with the text framed by two large, blue butterflies that mirror each other, and small butterflies, leaves, and ammonite floating in between them

eLearning Course: Caring for Your Dog's Teeth

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Tools used:

Course: Articulate Rise

Images: Unsplash, Shutterstock, Envato Elements


Although I have had dogs for most of my life, I did not know how to care for their teeth until I became the primary caregiver of not one, but two dogs. Even with that, it has been a learning experience over many years, with a lot of trial and error. I wanted to better inform not only myself, but also my loved ones and anyone else who wants to give their dog the best care possible, especially when it's preventative.


I built this course in Rise to cover all the essential aspects of oral hygiene for dogs, from what people can do at home, to what they need to have done by a veterinarian. It's designed to be comprehensive but digestible, with plenty of audio-visual support to engage learners. I also strove to keep the tone light and playful to motivate learners to finish the course and create a positive association with the information. (Neither human nor canine likes being scolded, right?)


Learners have shared that the course flows well and makes sense. They appreciate the visual supports and the audio recordings. In particular, they've found the captions to be charming, and that note makes it clear to me that their interest has been held, even by minor course elements. They've also written enthusiastically about how much they learned from the course.

Interactive Infographic: How to Give a Dog Liquid Medication

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Tools used:

Genially, Camtasia, Audacity


Friends of mine have recently become "dog parents," and because I grew up with dogs, read a lot, and partner closely with my dogs' veterinarians, I'm the de facto subject matter expert for those friends. My significant other also has never had a pet before. Finally, I have aging family members who need reminders about how to care for their dogs.


Rather than making a static infographic, I wanted an interactive eLearning piece that could illustrate the steps using concrete examples in a dynamic and impactful way. Genially lends itself to brevity and engagement with its relative simplicity. The instructions are succinct and in large font to accommodate busy schedules, differences in cognition, and declining vision. I included GIFs and two concise audio clips made with Camtasia and Audacity, respectively, to ensure learners have examples that go beyond text and photographs.


Learners have shared positive feedback. They appreciate the multimedia elements and the simple, broken down steps that make the content accessible.

Microlearning: How to Publish Your Rise Course to Review 360

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Tools used:

7taps, Snagit, Articulate Rise


IDOL courses Academy members can submit their instructional design assets for coaches to review and provide feedback. Oftentimes when they submit their Articulate Rise course, they use the regular link to view instead of review. This makes it more difficult for coaches to provide feedback and for members to implement it.


I made this tutorial so that members could quickly and easily learn how to find and share their Review 360 link. 


100% of learners who have received this microlearning tutorial have successfully shared their Review 360 link. This has sped up the turnaround time for feedback delivery, and learners have completed all revisions due to seeing exactly which comments pertain to specific parts of their courses.

Course Outline: Getting Started with Asana

Tools used:

Outline: Google Slides

Course: Articulate Storyline, Camtasia, and Snagit (development in progress)


To manage projects and tasks effectively, you have to go well beyond a to-do list or sticky notes. Paper planners can work for a lot of people, but they need to be carried around and can get lost. 


Asana makes project and task management easier than to-do lists, sticky notes, or paper planners. Since it's digital, it can be accessed on a computer or phone. Several instructional designers in my network have been interested in Asana, as it is one of several commonly used tools, so I am creating this course to help them learn the basics.


Pending, course will be tested and reviewed by IDOLs after it is published

Needs & Learner Analysis Survey for eLearning Course: How to Groom a Pomeranian

Tools used:

Survey: Google Forms

Outline: Google Docs

Storyboard: PowerPoint

Course: Storyline, Camtasia, Snagit, Audacity

(development in progress)


Pomeranians are a popular dog breed. Many people appreciate their fun-loving personalities and, of course, their appearance. However, their coat requires special care. If they are not properly groomed, they can suffer. Pom "parents" often struggle to find groomers that know how to shape the double-coat that makes Pomeranians so distinctive and sought after. Training options are very limited, and they are not standardized.


I am designing and developing an eLearning course that will train both Pom owners and dog groomers on the breed standards and best practices for Pomeranians. It will include my personal knowledge, but I am also consulting with subject matter experts to ensure the content is high quality and accurate. I am also collecting data on my learners to gauge their prior knowledge and understand their experiences, attitudes, behaviors, and preferences. The survey accounts for both quantitative and qualitative data and has branching sections that are tailored for each subgroup of learners (Pom owners being one group, and groomers being the other). Similarly, the course will have branching scenarios. While it will be a technical training course, storytelling will be the creative backbone that ensures engagement.


Pending, course will be tested and reviewed by IDOLs. Pomeranian owners and dog groomers have volunteered to beta test and provide feedback on the course, as well.

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© 2022 by Brenda Perna

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© 2023 by Brenda Perna

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